Unlocking The Vault The Official Salary Database Of Louisiana State Employees - In 2023 the state of louisiana reported 2,985 employees making more than $100,000 per year; The average salary was $59,218. The highest reported pay for the state was $522,000. 18 for. We have 25,562 louisiana state employees salaries in our database. Average state of louisiana salary is $43,383 and median salary is $47,800. Look up state of louisiana employee salaries. Louisiana government employee salary snapshot at a glance: Browse the lapas database to view performance standards, performance indicators and other information for executive branch agencies. A searchable, sortable database of total. We have 25,562 louisiana state employees salaries in our database. Average state of louisiana salary is $43,383 and median salary is $47,800. Look up state of louisiana employee salaries. $37,654 check salaries bossier parish schools employees: We have 179,375 louisiana state employees salaries in our database. Average state of louisiana salary is $44,306 and median salary is $41,891. Look up state of louisiana employee salaries. Employee salary data system. Employee salary data system. Louisiana intends to make the salaries of state government employees available through a new, searchable database that will go public some time in the next two weeks. Louisiana intends to make the salaries of state government employees available through a new, searchable database that will go public some time in the next two weeks. Online catalog and employee access to abstracts, indexes and articles. Salary information and list of employees for louisiana state civil service. Salary database for year 2023 Today the pelican institute unveiled โ louisiana sunshine,โ an interactive website of state spending data. In addition to employee salaries, it includes detailed information about. We have 188,510 louisiana state employees salaries in our database.
In 2023 the state of louisiana reported 2,985 employees making more than $100,000 per year; The average salary was $59,218. The highest reported pay for the state was $522,000. 18 for. We have 25,562 louisiana state employees salaries in our database. Average state of louisiana salary is $43,383 and median salary is $47,800. Look up state of louisiana employee salaries. Louisiana government employee salary snapshot at a glance: Browse the lapas database to view performance standards, performance indicators and other information for executive branch agencies. A searchable, sortable database of total. We have 25,562 louisiana state employees salaries in our database. Average state of louisiana salary is $43,383 and median salary is $47,800. Look up state of louisiana employee salaries. $37,654 check salaries bossier parish schools employees: We have 179,375 louisiana state employees salaries in our database. Average state of louisiana salary is $44,306 and median salary is $41,891. Look up state of louisiana employee salaries. Employee salary data system. Employee salary data system. Louisiana intends to make the salaries of state government employees available through a new, searchable database that will go public some time in the next two weeks. Louisiana intends to make the salaries of state government employees available through a new, searchable database that will go public some time in the next two weeks. Online catalog and employee access to abstracts, indexes and articles.